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Lake Placid: A Tribute to the Iconic Betty White (Audio Review)

FINAL REVIEW | BONUS EPISODE “Lake Placid” (Dir. Steve Miner, 1999)

In this bonus episode, Claudio and Oz head up to Maine to leave a cow by the waterside in tribute to an iconic actress who passed away at the age of 99 on New Year’s Eve, Betty White. A few minutes are spent on the glorious stupidity of Lake Placid before the duo turns focus to the career and genuine decency of the legendary comedienne who graced this film with its finest moments.

“I’m rooting for the crocodile. I hope he swallows your friends whole. You might want to arrest me for that too. Is that a crime? To wish the chewing of law enforcement?”

Review by Bernard Ozarowski and Andrew Claudio

Presented by Blue Wire



